Danfoss Fluid Conveyance - RHHF, FACTS, Connectors, Industrial Hose 04E-04L

  • Description (keywords only)
    WEAE 04E-04L
  • Product Line
    Danfoss Fluid Conveyance - RHHF, FACTS, Connectors, Industrial Hose
  • Qty
    14 EA
  • Net Price
    See "How to Order" Instructions
  • This Item is Available From
    Stewart Hunt Inc.

  • 8 Garfield Circle Burlington, Massachusetts 01803
  • Phone: 781-272-4411
    Fax: 781-272-5172
    Email: Jeffrey Finnegan
  • Website:
    Stewart Hunt Inc.
  • Stewart Hunt Inc. Logo
  • How to Order
    Please call and verify availability before sending PO. call Jeff or Wayne @ 781-272-4411 handling fee may be added to order
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